Thursday, February 7, 2008

Now I know the baby room won't be done on time...

Okay... this one gets a little personal, but I don't mind sharing. I am one of those happy people that can say they personally know everyone on their friends list. Just be warned of the PG-13 factor.
Andy and I had to go to the birthing center yesterday. I was experiencing what the on-call nurse thought was a slow amniotic fluid leak, so she told us to get there to be checked out.  This is about 2:30ish in the afternoon so I call Andy at work and ask him to come and get me. I shit you not.... 10 minutes later he's at home, usually it's a 15-20 min. drive. I'm trying to calm myself down and be patient, but seriously, I was freaking out! Andy and I crack jokes to lighten the mood where Andy mentions "Crap... now you are REALLY going to start nagging me about the baby room." haha.
We get the the birthing center and check in. For anyone that hasn't been to a birthing center, it is easily the prettiest place in any hospital. And the warmest. I was sweating balls. They place me in a triage room... you know, the ones where your only privacy is a curtain.  They place their big fat sensors on your belly with rubber belts and strap you down like there is a chance you could go crazy. And then they leave you there. Forever.
Okay, it wasn't quite that bad... It just feels like it when you are anxious.  Plus I get that they need to listen to the baby's heart beat and monitor your belly for a bit to figure out what's going on. I mean, everyone was concerned and nice.  An older nurse comes in and is talking to us and asking those doctor questions... "when did you notice a leak? do you have a cold? On a scale of one to ten how bad does it hurt?" She then tells us she has to do rounds and she will be back.  I freak out a little on the inside... thinking... okay, if she's leaving, it can't be that bad... but just tell me something before you go!! She comes back about 20 minutes later and tells me that I'm having some contractions and they need to stop them.
Holy shit.
was the first thing I could think of.... Not, okay, good thing I'm in a hospital with the best post-natal care in the area... Not, oh boy! I get to see my son!... Not even, damn it Andy you did this to me!  My first thoughts as a potential mother were... "holy shit." 
So the older nurse explains to me what they are going to do... give me a shot that will feel like I'm hyped up on caffeine, check to see if I'm leaking amniotic fluid, and pump some liquids through an IV.  She then mentions we will be there for a few hours. She gets to work, slapping various parts of my body and shooting them up with medicine. (It then hits me the kind of faith we have in nurses and doctors). The shot feels like a bee sting in my thigh and within a few minutes, I'm shaking fanatically.  They then hand me a cup and tell me to pee into it... WHILE I'm shaking like a heroin junkie. Ha! She then checks my cervix to make sure it's still in tact.. I can just hear prior mom's laughing now... If you have never had your cervix checked by hand... you are in for the surprise of your life! About 4+ hours later, they release me from the hospital, telling me to be a couch potato for awhile, assuring me that I'm okay and the baby is very very healthy, but to be ready to come back again.  To sum up a long story I'm doing okay and the baby is still healthy and Andy is my knight in shining armor.
On the way home, I mention to Andy that the baby's room will never be done on time.

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