Thursday, February 14, 2008

Dollar Store Karma

Happy Valentine's day! Love Love Love all around.
I was shopping the other day (surprising, I know ) and I was standing in line at the checkout. There was only one checkout open in the entire store, but I'm jobless and have no place to go, so I'm not in a rush...  The girl in front of me bought a bunch of glassware, so the kid needed to wrap each piece in paper and pack it...  A lady gets in line behind me, and she is your stereotypical older lady, big glasses, reeks of smoke, hackers cough... you know the type. The ones that have no sense of personal space and practically lean on you in line because they think that will make the line go faster.  Anyway... The whole time this kid is checking the girl in front of me out, this older lady is huffing and puffing *Isn't there more than one person working today?*huffhuffhuff*I can't believe they don't open another lane*huffhuffhuff* This is just ridiculous, what bad service*huffhackhackhuff* I just try to politely ignore her... the whole time wishing I could throw up because the smoke smell is so nauseating.
I should interject here and mention that I have very little patience or sympathy for this type of person.  After years of working retail (imagine Best Buy on a Black Friday) I've come to learn that the average person will only wait 30 seconds before throwing a hissy fit. Very rarely, if ever, is it the cashiers fault. Bitching does not make the line go faster either.
Back to my story.  So my basket is pretty full, and because of this lady's rudeness, I feel compelled to not let her go ahead of me even though she only has three items.  Still, I think about Karma and how there is no good reason to ever be rude to someone... and what lesson would I want to teach my child. So I offer the lady to go ahead of me. She accepts and the cashier looks at me as if to say "thankyouforgettingthisbitchouttaherefaster"  After scanning her three items, the lady looks into her purse to realize that SHE DOESN'T HAVE HER WALLET! and instead of forgetting the items like I think any sane person would have done, she asks the cashier to wait while she runs out to her car to look for it.  So the cashier and I are standing there... awkwardly looking at each other and trying not to giggle at the same time.  The lady returns and then WRITES OUT A CHECK! which takes longer to approve, but whatever. She then looks me over and makes the comment "I bet there are some other things you are sick of waiting for." I choke back a rude look and manage a fake laugh and some mumbled comment about how it feels like forever.  She then tells me "I hope you have a Valentine's Day baby!" Well, fuck lady... why don't you just call me a fatty and throw me a sandwich? I mention that the baby isn't due until the end of April. She just says "oh then a Valentine's Baby wouldn't be good" and grabs her stuff and leaves.  Finally I get to check out. While checking out, the cashier (whom seems to thinks we have developed some sort of bond) tells me all about his 18 year old cousin that knocked up his girlfriend and she is having complications and how he really screwed up his life and blah blah blah. I nod and mention that when the baby is born, he won't regret it (silver lining, right?) and he keeps on going about how fucked his cousin is... I think to myself, "I should have checked out first."
All I know, was that it took forever and I was never more happy to leave a store.

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