Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Puppy Paint

My puppy was so naughty last Friday. He got into my scrapbooking stuff and got ahold of my GOLD paint pen. He chewed it up on my CREAM carpet!!! It was such a mess!  I called Andy in tears because I was totally overwhelmed by the situation.  I know Andy was concerned, but sometimes I can just hear the smile on his face when he tells me that "He's just a dog." At least I can laugh about it now. The paint came out with the carpet shampooer and a little elbow grease. Butter's had gold paint on his teeth, it looked like he had a grill in. Hahaha. We got him cleaned up too. It's so hard to be angry at him for long. He knows he's being scolded because he sits with his ears down, but he can't help but wag just the tip of his tale. Naughty Puppy.

Friday, January 18, 2008

I've come to realize

The other night Andy told me that you can watch NOVA videos online. He was like... Hey, let's watch the Third Trimester baby video.   They show a woman giving birth...  I'm sure that she did it without drugs and whatnot, but I'm sure most of you can imagine me staring at the computer screen, my jaw dropped and eyes open wide in terror.  I told Andy that I don't want to have the baby anymore.  Not that I don't want the baby, I just don't want to HAVE the baby.  I confessed this fear to my parents, and my Dad (ever so reassuring) told me not to worry because I've been through childbirth once before.  Thanks Dad. 
It snowed about 5 inches here yesterday. (yes, I'm talking about the weather... I'm so boring!) It was incredibly cute seeing the puppy play outside in the snow.  Andy kept dumping snow on him and Butter's loved it.  He's been whining to go outside all day.  Hopefully I will get to take him for a walk before the temperature drops.  I'm uneasy going outside by myself with the dog.  He pulls a lot on the leash and with all the snow and ice on the ground; I'm too scared I will fall. Ha-ha! I sound like an old lady.
I realized today that chores never end.  I swear I finished the laundry yesterday, and now the hamper is full again. WTF mate?  Thus is the life of a housewife.  It doesn't help either that Andy has me addicted to a video game on my DS called Puzzle Quest. 
I can't cook.  Last night I decided to make meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy.  The gravy was wayyyyyy to salty, the mashed potatoes were runny (how the hell??)  But the meatloaf turned out okay. Not my Mom's meatloaf, but still good. Thank God my husband is a great cook.
I also realized that I get Andy to myself this weekend!!! WEEE!!!  We are going baby room hunting.  Picking out colors and extras! Putting together furniture....  Sounds exhausting... I think I want to take a nap.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Hilary's Blogs

My friend Hilary has the most exquisite blog.

While teaching in Thailand, I would expect many of her blogs to be full of interesting facts I didn't know, the way the Eastern world works, and words I can't pronounce.  It is... don't get me wrong, but there is a natural curiosity that is relayed in her writing.  Her puzzlement of the way the world acts around her is just.... good.  The innocent curiosity of an Alice in Wonderland if you will.  Refreshing from the many "the world owes me something" attitudes you see.
Completely different from my blogs.  In retrospect, I see a lot of my blogs are filled with daily living predicaments, baby, marriage, and house stuff.  And while it is my blog to write with as I please, I can't help but feel a reddening in my cheeks as I worry about what to feed my husband tonight and picking out this weeks dinners and if I'm gaining too much baby fat.  I never thought of myself as a extremely self-centered person (okay you do need to look out for number 1 once in awhile). But hell... when did I get so boring?
Last night I went to pick up Andy at work late at night.  I took my faithful pooch with me to walk around his workplace for a little exercise. Due to a recent surge in vandalism and break ins in the area... I was scared... I kept thinking, "It's dark out, I'm by myself... is this safe?"  Then I recalled times in college where I was 3AM drunk walking myself home with my eyes shut almost the entire way.  Stupid... yes... but when did I become so afraid of the world?