Friday, May 30, 2008

Being a Mother Changes Thigns

I've noticed a few changes that I have gone through since becoming a mom. I decided to write a few of them down while I still remember life B.C. (before child) . Enjoy!
1. My clothes just don't fit. everything is either too big or too small.
2.  When I get a haircut, I say "Anything as long as I can put it in a ponytail."
3.  I make crazy faces for over and hour, just to get him to smile once. I've never been so dedicated to a cause.
4. Smoking has NEVER been SO unattractive.
5. My body tempature has gone up at least 400 degrees, but I'm conviencd my baby isn't warm enough.
6. Everything miniature makes me giggle.
7. Poop is something I could have a 3-4 hour conversation about.
8. If the baby spits up on me, I think about the rest of my schedule and contemplate if it's even worth changing for.
9. Hearing about uncaring/unfit mothers or fathers infuriates me. It's so easy.
10.  Words like "boom boom" and "woogie woogie" have become a part of my everyday vocab.
11. When people ask me what I do in my free time, I laugh at them.
12. I no longer consider my breasts as sexual objects.
13. I decide carefully where and when I need to go out. Not because of the price of gas, but because of the time/luggage it takes.
14. I think, "Whatever, I have birthed a child, I can do what I want." is a ligitiamte reason.
15.  I have a much deeper appriciation for my mother and father
16. I have fallen in love with my husband, but for different reasons.  It's hard not to love someone that plays with babies.
17. I think about all the stupid things I did as a kid and I dread the future because I know it's comming.
18. The idea of grocery shopping by myself excites me and sounds like a luxury.
19. I don't remember what 8 hours of sleep feels like.
20. People stare at you. When you are holding a sleeping baby the coo and smile. When you are holding a fussy baby, they tsk at you because you can't calm them down. And you want to punch them in neck.

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