Saturday, October 14, 2006

What I did right

This may be a little too cute for some people, but give me my moment to gush...

Andy was here when I got home from a grueling day at work. He sat in the bathroom and talked with me while I showered... Andy took me out for dinner and told me how beautiful I was the whole night; even if  I only had the energy to put on jeans and a t-shirt and no make-up, not even lip gloss.  He sat and held me tight the whole night on the couch while we watched a movie.  He told me about how the first night we met, all he could see was my blue eyes and he was so happy I had blue eyes because they were his favorite. He told me about how he thinks I'm out of his league and every day he can't believe that I am with him. He thinks that I'm special, and that what we have is special.  Two years I've had to put up with him doing this. I have no idea what I did right to deserve this.  I was supposed to go out with some people from work tonight, but they never called. I was bummed about it. And Andy never left my side. He could have gone out with coworkers, he could have gone to uww homecoming, but he stayed. He stayed because he loves every minute we spend together... even if all we do is sit in the same room. I think I am the luckiest girl in the whole world.
"So I'll take that one day and figure out what I did right
I'll do it the same way for the rest of my life"

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