Saturday, September 23, 2006

Excuse me please, one more drink...

Fun Wedding Fact: It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 years ago that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink. Mead is a honey beer and because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the honey month we know today as the honeymoon.
I want to thank the lady that wrote me and told me not to worry about all the wedding plans going wrong. She referenced an episode of Sex in the City, stating that perfectly planned weddings don't equal perfect marriages.  She said maybe since I'm having a lot of trouble, the marriage will be good. Thank you, it really cheered me up.
I know I talk about the wedding a lot, but at this point, it is consuming my life.  Everyday it's "What wedding thing are we doing tonight?" But with only 28 days to go, the planning turned from nauseating, to actually kind of exciting.
I found some Calla Lilies that were fake, but realistic looking, and I made my own bouquets.  Only cost me $60. for everything and they look great. Screw you price gouging florist.
Our friend Stacey is playing the piano at the ceremony. We took piano lessons from the same teacher growing up, and I think we even played duets together! Now she is married to our best man. How small the world is.
I hate my new job.  I decorate wedding cakes.  Sounds pretty fun right? It's not. The only part of my job I like is creating something. I hate my boss, I hate the hours, and I don't really like cake anymore.  Perhaps it's that now EVERY part of my life is consumed with weddings.  I did get the chance to enter a cake I made into a wedding show. I put up a picture of it, check it out.  The topper is missing, but that's because it wasn't made when I took the picture. Also, that is made out of whipped cream; it's hard to work with because it smears so easily. 
Last month Andy and I were walking home from the grocery store and we came across a box of pit bull puppies. The box was marked "free" and I've wanted a puppy forever, so I took a couple of them home with me.  So we've been taking care of these puppies for a month or so, and I think they were abused, because they were so scared of us at first, but after a few weeks, they really warmed up to us, and they cuddle with us every night. 
Well, two nights ago, Andy and I were getting ready for bed, and I could have sworn I heard something moving, but I just thought it was the puppies.  We went into the bed room, and the dogs were staring under our bed and growling.  Sometimes they do that, because they knick their toys under the bed.  I just picked them up and put them on the bed with me, and crawled under the covers.  Not even 30 seconds later, they jump down and crawl under the bed, and suddenly A MAN STARTS SCREAMING!! There was a MAN hiding under our bed!!! He rolled out from under our bed and the dogs were attacking him! One was biting his neck and the other was biting his cheek! Andy jumped up and grabs something and starts hitting the guy with it, and I ran into the other room and call 911 and our neighbor comes running over to see what's going on.  Andy and our neighbor wrestle this guy until the cops come.  I'm just in hysterics and I'm bawling.. because what if I was by myself??!! It was so surreal! that stuff only happens in the movies! You forget that things like that can happen to you.

Okay I made that story up to make my blog more interesting.  That would never happen because I'd never walk home from the grocery store 

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