Monday, October 13, 2008

Cooking Mama

    I recently made up a chore list. It's printed out and posted on my fridge.  I know some people are probably like... You don't know how to clean yet?  No no, I know HOW to clean... I just get distracted pretty easily.  I'll be cleaning the kitchen, and I'll go into the bedroom and start taking the sheets off the bed before I realize that I wasn't done in the kitchen.  Anyway, I'm happy to say that the Kitchen has never looked better.  I still, however, need to get to the bedroom. haha.

I am interrupting the cleaning to cook dinner. I'm looking up a recipe for sirloin chops.  I have found a recent love for cooking.  During my pregnancy I had something I called "the pregnancy stupids." I was once boiling water for noodles, and it started on fire.  Seriously.... I burned water.   I also screwed up jello... my husband still thinks that is funny. Anyway, I don't know if it's the hormone shift, or if it's the realization that my son needs more nutrition than macaroni and hot dogs, but I've got to understand some basic cooking skills.  I have to stop giggling when I am reading a cook book and it says "dutch oven."  I shouldn't have to look up "how to cut an avocado"... as an adult and a mother... I should KNOW this stuff... right?  aaaahhh, well, I have a few more years to learn before Logan realizes that I'm not the world's best cook.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Please Don't Touch

Andy and I went out with Logan on two separate outings.   Both times, Logan had the same outfit on.  The outfit was a blue shirt and white pants that had airplanes on them.  AIRPLANES. Both times, Logan was mistaken for a girl.  Okay... I could see if he was wearing yellow or green with teddy bears on them, but BLUE with AIRPLANES??!  Wouldn't any reasonable person assume boy??  The lady said, "I thought he was a girl because he had such nice hair."   okay, well, then by that logic, I can assume you are an uneducated leech on society that has never seen one of those new-fangled teeth brushers.  Oh yeah, and please don't touch my child.

We went to the dog park, and this little girl, maybe 5th grade I'm guessing, just comes up and puts her filthy hands all over Logan.  She was probably letting strange dogs lick her dirty hands, playing in the mud, and then she came up and started pinching my babies cheeks, while I was holding him in my arms!!!  I just smiled and walked away, AND SHE FOLLOWED ME! Proceeding to rub her grubby hands up and down my child.  After she left, I took out my hand sanitizer and gave him a mini bath.   Later, Andy took Logan, and she came up AGAIN and started feelin' him up. Seriously... where is your mom?

Okay okay, don't get me wrong. I know that kids get dirty and that dirt and germs are part of life.  But really??? I don't know you. For all I know, you just got done scratching your butt. 

What is it that makes a strange person think it's okay to touch my child?  I thought touching young children that you didn't know was frowned upon in every state.   I smile when I see another person with a baby, or if I'm brave enough, I will go up and talk to the parent and ask how old the baby is.... but I wouldn't DARE stick my hand into a baby carrier and touch someone else's child. 

Sometimes, I feel okay with it.  Once in awhile, like at Kohl's, a little old lady will come up and let Logan hold her finger while she tells him how cute he is.  This doesn't bother me as much... Although perhaps it should... I mean, little old ladies scratch their butts too, right?
Andy says to just smile and laugh it off... It's one of those annoyances anyone with a little baby has to go through.