Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Safety First

I have no ambition to clean or work out... Logan got the second round of his vaccines today. He screamed for 2 hours straight! Poor guy, you can see where his leg is sore.  He's now asleep in his chair... but surprisingly, babies screaming in your ears is exhausting.  I'm going to have to get on the cleaning bandwagon though, The doc told me that now is the time I need to get on the floor and baby proof the house.  I look around on the floor and I think... Good lord... My child is going to be eating a lot of dog toys.

I had a county nurse stop by a few times to check on Logan's weight and etc. She took a look around our house and told me all of the ways he could get hurt. According to her, my house is one big death trap for children.  We would pretty much have to gut our house and redo the whole entire thing to make is safe...   I do not recall my parents or friends parents going to such great lengths... Am I crazy? Maybe the newest generation of parents count on methods that don't involve *watching* you children.  Just sit them in a room with a baby gate and leave...  While I do understand the importance of gates, making sure furniture is strapped down, and cupboard locks...  Do I *really* need to erect a wall over my open stairwell to keep my child from climbing over the couch? How about I just teach him to not climb on the couch.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

With Liberty and Cupcakes for ALL!

Going home for the 4th weekend. I love going home.  I love seeing how some things never change, and how some things have changed a lot!  We are going to the fireworks in Columbus (a tradition) and to the farmer's market in Madison on Saturday (a must!). My sister's birthday is on the 7th, so I wish she was near.  3 years ago Andy proposed to me at the fireworks in Columbus. It's strange thinking how much has changed---- from my pants size, to my priorities. HaHa funny story. I will never forget that day. I wore the cutest pink capri terry cloth pants and an adorable shirt with a white hoodie. I knew I was looking messycute.  I had gone out and bought a few outfits for this exact weekend because I had a sneaking suspicion that Andy would pop the question. We went to a friends house that weekend (who will remain unnamed) and they were smoking pot. This persons Mom came out and it was obvious she had a cold.  She sat around the fire with us, and then asked her son to pass her the joint because it would make her feel better. Haha. Madicinal purposes.  Still, it amazed me the trust between the mother and son.  I hope to have that same bond (but hope to keep the illegal substances out of it). I came back to the house later that night only to discover that I had SAT in something that resembled tar.... gross I know.   I had JUST bought these cute pants!  My first thought was to call my mom and ask her how to get the stain out... but after comprising the dialouge in my head, I didn't think the conversation would end well....
"Mom, I have some light pink pants with a black tar stain on them... do you have any suggestions to getting it out?"
"Where were you sittin that you got tar on you?"
"A friends firepit."
"What are they doing with tar near a fire pit?"
" a road.....?"
I obviously didn't have the same bonding trust as the formentioned friend.
Needless to say, the pants got tossed after one wear... ONE WEAR!  Thus me living up to my father's joke.... "Kay, most people wash their cloths, not buy new ones everyday."
So... this year, a little older and a little wiser... I'm going to look before I sit.