Friday, December 14, 2007

Does it really matter what day it is?

My puppy is too cute. Andy and I have both been fighting off headaches and colds today. I spent all day sleeping. I kind you not. I woke up at 11:00am, took a shower, took a nap, woke up at 3, took the dog for a walk, went back to sleep, and woke up at 6:30 to make dinner. I did NOTHING today. Anyway, So the puppy is all concerned about us and keeps going from the bed room to check on Andy, to the computer room to check on me.  I'm sorry, I find amusement in little things.
I have officially lost track of the days. I had NO idea is was Friday today. none.  I also felt a little guilty for sleeping so much today... but really? I didn't have much to get up for.  Besides, I'm allowed a day to sleep.
We are celebrating Christmas with some family this weekend.  I believe you should never go to a party without bringing something for the host.  So I was all geared up to make this seven layer jello. You just layer jello in rainbow colors and when you cut into it, it's pretty.  sounded easy enough, not expensive, people would eat it, and would travel well to Racine.  I kid you not, I SCREWED IT UP!! I screwed up making jello. I think cereal is harder to make than jello.  What is wrong with me!??! So I'm bringing them some flowers. 
Earlier this week, I successfully managed to start the stove on fire. With ramen noodles.  I froze. I sat there staring at the flames, thinking of all the years in school they teach you fire safety.  I had no idea what to do. Andy just came over and blew it out... *poof* like a candle. 
I've been burning things, screwing up things, forgetting things...  I thought staying at home would give me more time to get my act together, but it's almost been the opposite.   I can't concentrate on anything long enough to get it done. My mom said I've just got my mind on other things. Thanks Mom.
I also wait 'til Andy gets home before I start cooking. Wifery just doesn't suit me.