Sunday, March 18, 2007

My official announcement

Okay, after a few comments and messages, I decided to be a little more specific then my last blog.
Yes, I am pregnant.
I had my first ultrasound to determine how far along I am. I am only 7 weeks prego.  Not very far by any means, but no less excited.  The Baby (whom we have dubbed jelly bean, because that's how big he is) is due November 4th.  I've started reading books, taking vitamins and other junk.  No... no morning sickness, and no strange cravings.  Not even pickles.  The only thing is I can't stand the smell of doughnuts and baked goods. Good thing I'm a cake decorator. :(
Andy and I are very happy and excited. Andy is trying to be SuperDad right now (I love it). We have started the process of looking for a house.  Any hints or tips would be appriciated.
Also any girl baby name ideas.  I have a boy name picked out, but I'm stumped for a girl, and so that probably indicates it will be a girl.
I hope this clears up a lot of questions and I'm sure I will post more about it in the future.